
What is homeCinema.tools?
homeCinema.tools is a public home theater platform. In addition to online calculators for home theater planning, you will find a lot of valuable information and instructions for building a home theater. There are also many product links with useful devices and other relevant items for home theater construction.
How much does it cost to use homeCinema.tools?
homeCinema.tools is free to use.

User Account

What data do we collect from you?
Your email address and a password are saved for registration. When using the online calculator, your values will be saved so that you can use them again in a new session. Otherwise, no more data will be collected from you. 
I registered but did not receive an email with the activation link. What can I do?
This can have the following causes:

- Wrong email address entered.
- Email inbox was full.
- Spam filter.

Check your email inbox and possible SPAM filter. Else try to register again after 48 hours.
Does registration cost anything?
No, registering a user account is free.
What does a user account provide me?
With a user account, the data you have entered in the online calculators is available the next time you log in. For example, the room dimensions you entered can be used multiple times without having to reenter them each time. Another advantage is that you can activate the expert mode. That means that many more values are available for the online calculator to individualize the results and thus make them more accurate. 
How can I cancel my user account?
While you are logged in, you will find a button for terminating the account in the account area. This action will also erase all your data.
I forgot my password and/or email. What can I do?
When registering, you provided an email address. Click on the "Send password" link in the login window (below the login data). An email will be sent immediately to renew the password.
Attention: If you have several email addresses and do not know which one you registered with, try to enter them one after the other. Only if the correct email address has been entered will a message appear that an email has been sent to renew the password. 

Online Calculators

Can i use a different system of measurement?
Yes. For each calculator you can choose between metric (mm) and imperial (inch) system. You can also select the decimal separator. With a user account, you can save these settings.
What can i calculate with the online calculators?
With the provided online calculators, the most important data for an optimal home theater room can be determined. Only a few entries are required for this. Based on the calculated data, you can plan your perfect home theater.
How accurate is the calculated data?
The results are pretty accurate. Since many calculations are very complex, significantly more input values are processed in the background than are possible with the input. These "missing" entries are replaced with the average data provided. With registration you can activate the "expert mode". This allows entering many more individual values to be entered in order to make the results of the calculations more precise.